01 / FAST
Building a Digital Ownership Management System can be a lot faster using an earth based data structure.
Highest Cybersecurity techniques using modern yet proven cryptography such as ECDSA, Shnorr, SHA in a compelling architecture.
Developers like to gravitate towards easy to use tools that enable interoperability by design.

Community Built
The distribution of Earth64 data structure was activated on March 16, 2022 via several smart contracts that together constitute a DAO. This marked the soft launch of our community – a growing community of talented developers, experienced investors, and highly creative individuals. If you are not part of it, we invite you to join us. Our culture of mutual respect means that all members have skin in the game and work in tandem to achieve growth, and to enable developers and entities to partake in wealth creation by providing provable value with availability to everyone.

To the World
Earth64 is very versatile and can have many types of applications. We always welcome our community members’ recommendations of new and creative deployment, implementation, and go-to-market initiatives, and stand ready to support development of these ideas for global adoption.

Data Structure
Innovative and disruptive technologies are not easily comprehended at first. If they were, they wouldn't be truly disruptive. We currently proceed carefully with an approach that educates community members as they get skin in the game. The more they understand the technology, the bigger their commitment.
Building a Relatable Data Structure
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Earth64 is a unique data structure that provides unprecedented interoperability. When coupled with TODA/IP, its frictionless characteristic is bound to revolutionize Web3-based payment systems.

Earth64 provides the fundamental structure for a non-extractive global platform to capture value and allow for the exchange of value, removed from predatory and unfair monetary systems.

Earth64 enables true independent ownership of digital assets by removing reliance on third parties for proof of ownership and transfer, within a system of finite containers that utilizes existing global standards.